Are You In Need of Septic Repair?
December 14, 2016
Snohomish Septic Services has your septic repair in Bothell – the one you hope you won’t need. Having a functioning or well-repaired septic system is important, but no one loves the need for repairs.
No one ever says, “The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in the hope that Septic Services soon would be there.” Nope, septic repair is not the holiday gift that anyone wants, and the best way to avoid it is to take care of those little problems before they get to be big ones. The big service is pumping – getting those built-up solids out of the tank so it can get back to doing its job. Another common repair is baffle replacement – that’s the divider that keeps the solids in their place. Also, high on the repair list is cleaning out the built-up gunk from doing dishes and laundry that accumulate in drains. Finally, there is the chance of repairs to the leach field. The best part is that for most of these operations, we have no need to enter your home. If you would like to check your system and get an estimate, we can use our camera system to look it over without having to engage in expensive digging.
Septic Services has your septic repair in Bothell, just give us a call at (425) 905-2485. We can help you get ahead of the normal wear-and-tear on your system that comes from ordinary use, and help prevent those costly emergency calls. Taking care of a septic system requires a little paying attention, but it is well worth it when the relatives come over for dinner, and find everything working perfectly. We can help make that happen.