Knowing the Difference between Snohomish County Septic Inspections
It may seem like all septic inspections are the same and routinely done by any septic service company but truth is there could be a lot of difference depending on the service company and the people they will send to your home.
Basically, there are two persons who usually do septic inspections – licensed septic tank pumper and O&M provider. The latter though is the more appropriate choice. However, given that septic professionals have to pursue continuous studying to become O&M providers, the licensed septic tank pumpers outnumber them greatly. This information, however, is still not so common among households today.
In choosing the best one to do your septic inspections, only trust the best by Superior Septic Services, LLC as they now offer Snohomish County Septic Inspections. By choosing them, you are ensured of honest and reliable inspection done by a legitimate O&M provider. Our O&M providers have a great deal of experience to back their continuous learning and are highly qualified to perform legit septic inspections.
If there are two types of septic inspectors, there are also different types of inspections. The length of septic inspection would depend on your septic system and what is mandate by your County Health Department. This law has been established in 2007 and is still practiced up until now.
If you have a gravity type of septic system, common requirement is for it to be checked every three years and for all other types, yearly inspection is recommended. In terms of real estate, these can change depending on the buyer’s and sellers’ preference and agreements. To ensure legit home sale inspections, only choose Snohomish County Septic Inspections by Superior Septic Services, LLC. However, for routine pump maintenances and inspections, a Licensed Septic Tank Pumper can do the job.
Do you want to know how we blow the septic inspection competition today? Call us now at 425-905-2485 and schedule an appointment. You will surely be satisfied with our efficient and highly experienced O&M providers who are licensed bonded and insured installers. We assure you that your septic systems will be safe, sound, and meet the legal requirements needed by your county