
Septic Repair near Woodinville

August 16, 2018  

Septic Repair near WoodinvilleSuperior Septic Services is ready to help with  your septic repair near Woodinville. Septic tanks are relatively stable technology, and do not generally need a lot of maintenance, especially if  you have one of the old-style, gravity feed septic tanks.

One thing to remember is that, humorous literature aside, the grass really should not grow greener over the septic tank. If you begin to notice an area of your lawn or leach field that is unusually verdant, it just might be a signal that your home sanitation system is in need of attention. There are many things that can go wrong with an older septic system – or even a relatively new one. The bacteria in your septic tank might have experienced a die-off, and that could cause the septic tank to fill up faster than expected. The baffles inside the tank can be broken, especially if the tank becomes frozen in winter – which, by the way, would harm the beneficial bacteria in the tank. Heavy machinery might have been driven over the drain lines in the leach field causing them to collapse, or the sewer lines from your house to your septic tank could be damaged. Those are just a few of the possible situations where your septic system would need repair.

If you notice unusual green patches, standing water or odors near the septic tank, call Superior Septic Services at (425) 905-2485 to discover whether you septic system might need septic repair near Woodinville. Rest assured that our team will give you an honest evaluation of the condition of your home sanitation system, and will give you an estimate for any probable work that might need to be done.
