Septic Service in Everett
April 5, 2017
Superior Septic Services is ready to help you with your septic service in Everett. Spring has challenges for septic systems – and most of all for the traditional septic tank and leech field arrangement. When extra water from the sky mixes with a leak or malfunction for your septic system, you have a recipe for trouble.
Water is fluid, powerful and persistent. Practitioners of Tai Chi describe it as one of the most powerful things on earth. It can manifest as a rushing river, as a tsunami, or as a slow, persistent leak. It is both patient and insistent – and no matter what sort of plumbing you have, whether it is at the intake of sweet, clean water or the outlet for black and grey water, it will wear away at your fixtures. Spring rains present special problems for citizens of North American. They bring May flowers – but they also reveal leaking drains, challenged septic tanks, and squishy leech fields. Septic systems are developed to help keep household effluent out of groundwater, streams, and wells. Spring can certainly challenge that purpose, but we are here to help. We have the team and the equipment to take care of your spring septic challenges, whether you live in a relatively settled area or in a remote location.
Superior Septic Services is ready to help with your septic service in Everett, just give us a call at (425) 905-2485. We don’t claim to be Tai Chi masters, but we understand the power of spring rains. Our team is ready to help catch those problems that are revealed with the spring thaw and those lovely showers. We know that you appreciate the flowers, but no one loves a septic system leak. We can help with that.