
Warm up for Summer with Septic Inspection in Everett

April 7, 2016  

Warm up for Summer with Septic Inspection in EverettAt Superior Septic Services, we can help you warm up for summer with septic inspection in Everett. We can see the trees putting out leaves and the green grass beginning to grow. As it does, we ask an all important question: does the grass grow greener over your septic tank? If it does, then that is a sign that your home septic system is beginning to fail.

Vegetation that is growing better in the area of your septic tank than it does in other locations, standing puddles of water – especially on days with minimal rainfall, unusual odors and backed up drain systems are all signs of a failing septic system. This is bad news for you and for your neighbors who might be downstream of your home waste processing system. Regular septic service can help prevent problems and even dangerous situations that can show up thanks to neglected septic tanks. We know that our customers are interested in being good neighbors, and in keeping their own family and pets protected from accidents or pollution that can result from a poorly maintained home waste disposal system.

At Superior Septic Services we can help you warm up for summer with septic inspection in Everett. Our well-trained technicians can locate and troubleshoot your system and give to you an official inspection certificate – which can be quite important in some areas. Just give us a call at (425)905-2485 and we will be happy to work with you to schedule a time that fits with your schedule. Keep in mind, for your safety, that our technicians will always carry materials marked with our company logo, and will be driving one of our vehicles. We care about our customers – accept no substitutes! If there is any doubt, always feel free to call our office.
