Springtime Septic Inspection near Marysville
January 27, 2018
The holidays are behind us, and the days are getting longer. If you are beginning to get “cabin fever,” these sunny winter days are a good time to walk around and start planning. Superior Septic Services would like to remind our customers, their friends and their neighbors, that spring is a good time for a septic inspection near Marysville.
If you can hit that sweet spot between the first warm, spring days and that exuberant outgrowth of green that is sure to follow, you can get in a lot of spring cleaning and care-taking – including getting your regularly scheduled septic inspection. If you have recently purchased property, if you have an above ground tank, or if it has been more than two years since your last septic inspection, then, septic tank owners, it is time for an inspection. Not only are you legally mandated to have regular inspections, but by so doing your septic professional can point out potential trouble before it grows into costly repairs or a tragedy. A well maintained septic tank is less likely to become one of the ones that makes the news. If you are taking a septic tank out of use, be sure to have a professional fill it with something solid and cap it off. This should prevent future disasters, heading them off before they can happen.
Call Superior Septic Services at (425)905-2485 to schedule your spring septic inspection near Marysville. We are also available for septic repair and to help you plan for new septic installations. Our team isn’t quite getting cabin fever because we do keep busy, but we are ready for winter to end and to get out there in the field in pleasant weather.